import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import seaborn as sns
import patsy
n = 500
df = pd.DataFrame({
eta = np.exp(2 + 0.25*df["x1"] + 0.25*df["x2"])
df["n_students_flagged"] = np.random.poisson(lam=eta)
df["n_enrolled"] = np.round(df["n_students_flagged"],0) + np.random.binomial(200,0.8,n)
f = 'n_students_flagged ~ x1 + x2'
y, X = patsy.dmatrices(f, df, return_type='dataframe')
mod = sm.GLM(y, X, family=sm.families.Poisson())
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: n_students_flagged No. Observations: 500
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 497
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 2
Link Function: Log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -1486.9
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2023 Deviance: 571.92
Time: 12:45:54 Pearson chi2: 563.
No. Iterations: 5 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 1.000
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 2.0270 0.025 79.737 0.000 1.977 2.077
x1 0.2469 0.003 86.086 0.000 0.241 0.253
x2 0.2447 0.010 25.097 0.000 0.226 0.264
We interpret the coefficients by exponentiating them and treating them as multiplicative effects.
\[E(Y|X) = log(\mu) = X\beta\]
\[\mu = exp(X\beta)\]
\[\mu = exp(b_0) * exp(b_1x_1) * exp(b_2x_2)\]
The coefficient of \(x_1\) is the expected difference in \(log(y)\) for a one unit increase in \(x_1\). We can say that for a one unit increase in \(x_1\), we expect a \(exp(b_1)\) increase in y.
print(f"{round(100*(np.exp(0.2469) - 1),2)}% increase")
28.01% increase