
Optimization Problem#

The goal is to maximize within-cluster similarity, or equivalently, minimizing the within-cluster variation:

\[ min_{C_1,...,C_K} \sum_k W(C_k)\]

where W(.) is a measure, most commonly Euclidean distance:

\[ min_{C_1,...,C_K} \sum_k \frac{1}{|C_k|} \sum_{i,i' \in C_k} \sum_1^p (x_{ij}-x_{i'j})^2 \]

where \(|C_k|\) denotes the number of observations in the \(k\)th cluster and \(p\) is the number of features.


K-means just requires \(k\), the number of clusters, as an input. There are few variations of the algorithm and different distance measures can be used. The following is one example:

The algorithm uses the following steps:

  1. Randomly initialize all points to one of \(k\) clusters.

  2. Compute the centroids of each cluster.

  3. Assign all points to the cluster whose centroid is closest

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence, i.e. fewer than X% of points are re-assigned clusters at step 3.

Note that this algorithm finds a local, rather than global, minimum. So may be sensitive to the random initialization. So make sure to run the algorithm multiple times.

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import warnings

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

centers = [(-3, -3), (4, 4), (4, -4)]
cluster_std = [2, 3, 2]
X, y = make_blobs(
    cluster_std = cluster_std, 
    centers = centers, 
    n_features = 2, 

Run Manually for Demonstration#

class KmeansDemo:

    def __init__(self, X, K):
        self.X = X
        self.K = K
        self.n = len(self.X)
        self.distances = []
        self.clusters = {0:np.random.choice(self.K, self.n)}
        self.centroids = {}

    def get_centroids(self, clusters):
        return np.array([
            for k in range(self.K)

    def get_clusters(self, centroids):
        distances = np.linalg.norm(
            self.X[:,None,:] - centroids[None,:,:], 
        return np.argmin(distances, axis=1)

    def __call__(self):
        self.centroids[0] = self.get_centroids(self.clusters[0])

        # save each iter for plotting
        for iter in range(1, 15):
            self.clusters[iter] = self.get_clusters(self.centroids[iter-1])
            self.centroids[iter] = self.get_centroids(self.clusters[iter])
            update = np.mean(mod.clusters[iter-1]!=mod.clusters[iter])
            print(iter, update)
            if update < 0.002:

Prints iteration and percentage of points updated. Stops when no new points are updated.

mod = KmeansDemo(X=X, K=3)
1 0.65
2 0.066
3 0.022
4 0.002
5 0.002
6 0.002
7 0.002
8 0.0

Graph Each Iteration#

color_dict =  {0:"red", 1:"green", 2:"purple"}


def plot_iter(i):
    fig = plt.figure(i)
    ax = sns.scatterplot(X[:,0], X[:,1], hue=mod.clusters[i])
    sns.scatterplot(mod.centroids[i][:,0], mod.centroids[i][:,1], color="red", s=100)
    ax.set_title(f"Iter {i}")

for _ in range(len(mod.centroids)):
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